Adventures in Brissie Land
Last Saturday, I drove all the way from Runcorn to Forest Lake and went through my first toll gate. It was a disaster. And quite funny too actually. We were on our way home and Pen suggested I go via the motorway to “practice” my toll skills.
As we were approaching the toll gate, Pen gave me specific instructions on what to do...PEN: Ok, I’ve got exactly $1.90 here. Do you want to go to the manual gate or auto?
ME: Huh?
PEN: Nevermind. Just go auto. Now remember, slow down, brake first. Make sure you stop and then throw in the coins. Brake first ok? Don’t miss.
ME: Yah yah ok.
PEN: You must have missed!
ME: WHAT? No, I threw everything in!
PEN: I told you to brake first!
ME: I did! Oh no! How now?!
PEN: Quick quick! Do you have a $1 coin? *frantically searches my bag*
ME: PEN! Quick! Aaaaaahhhh! Pen! Aaaaahhhh! Oh no, oh no.
PEN: Go down and get it. It’s on the floor somewhere.
ME: WHAT?! How?
Seeing that I was in pure horror and glued to my seat, Pen then got out of the car and went around looking for the coin. Once he had found it, he took it back into the car and handed it to me.
PEN: Because you have to do it!
ME: WHAT? Aaaagrh!
I threw it in, gate finally opened and I quickly drove away dying of embarrassment.
PEN: Hahahahaha. Should have gone to the manual counter.
ME: PEN! It’s all your fault! Why did you give me so many coins!
PEN: What? What do you mean?
ME: Why couldn’t you just give me a $1 coin and a...and a..
PEN: Well I couldn’t give you a 90 cent coin darling coz they don’t make them like that! Anyway, look! I found 20 cents on the floor just then. At least we made some money out of that! Hahahaha.
ME: Aaaaaaaarggghhh! PEN!
So yeah, wasn’t too pleasant an experience but certainly one that got me laughing after that.