Friday, August 24, 2007

Off to JT

We got tickets!

Tickets for the Justin Timberlake concert in Brisbane went on sale this morning and I’m thrilled to say that Izaeel and I managed to get pretty good seats, considering the amount of money we (actually, it’s me) were willing to pay. At 8:30am this morning, my colleagues said it would be impossible to get tickets coz’ Ticket Tek’s phone lines and website would be jammed and heaps of fans were already queuing at the booths. I thought they were joking until I logged on to the website and saw this:

But in true Singaporean spirit, I persevered and got in without too much effort. Yay!

I just want to say that although I’m going to see JT, I’m not some teeny bopper fan who drools at the mere sight of his face, or bottom, or any other body parts. I just happen to like his music and think he’s a good performer. I mean, did you see his performance at the recent Victoria’s Secret fashion show? Anyway, there - I’ve said it. And that’s precisely why I wouldn’t fork out more than $100 for the ticket.

The happiest and most relieved person would have to be Pen. He’s been so supportive of me going with Izaeel and even suggested I get the $149 ticket for a better view – all because this means he doesn’t have to grin and bear it, and go to the concert with me!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Down in the Valley

No, I have not disappeared. I am still here.

In the last two weeks or so, I've actually gone out and found myself a job! Praise God that His hand had moved so quickly in my life. I'm now working in a Public Relations agency in the Valley. I was gonna snap some photos of the office to show you but I keep forgetting. Well, the office is nice but I can't quite say the same for the Valley. It sure is a weird place. I'm still trying to get used to walking past drunks, sleazy adult shops, drug addiction recovery centres and oh, the occasional passerby who mumbles inaudibly at you. But it's really not that bad, I am thankful that I'm blessed with a job. At least it motivates me to walk quicker to the train station.

Working also means that I can't really cook dinner anymore. My travel journey is an hour and it's almost 7pm by the time I get home. But. I am blessed yet again because Pen cooks for me, eh I mean us! We made a mean pork chop with sweet potatoes, carrots and beans last night for dinner. :p Not too bad for a first attempt.

Steffy has arrived in Brissie today so over to Sentry tonight for dinner! Yay! :)