Have you ever wished you could push a button and rewind time? I’ve experienced so many moments like these especially when catching up with family and old friends from Singapore.
My parents and brother came to visit me at the end of September. It was their first time seeing our new place so it was exceptionally exciting for us. It was so lovely having them around and catching up after almost nine long months. I don’t think any words could accurately describe how happy I was while driving to the airport to pick them up. The week before they were due to arrive, I found great joy in cleaning up the house and preparing the rooms for their visit.
I was cracking my brains on where to take them around town – they’d been to Brisbane before and had done almost all of the ‘touristy’ stuff. I left my car for my dad to drive around and gave him directions to the nearest shopping centres, attractions and of course, Sunnybank! However, I was surprised to find all they wanted to do was to stay at home to cook and clean for us! They were so content just being able to help out around the house.
Good thing we had a four-day trip to Cairns all planned for them. We visited the Far North Tropical town in the first week of October and had an amazing time. We snorkelled at Green Island, went on the Skyrail and Scenic Train ride at Kuranda and drove around Port Douglas. My dad spent so much time filming our adventures on his new video camera that I suspected he saw 90% of our trip through the camera lens.
Unfortunately, all good things always come to an end. My dad and brother left last Sunday much to my dismay. Where did time go? Surely it hasn’t been two and a half weeks already? It felt like only two days to me. I fought back the tears when saying my goodbyes at the airport. I’m so thankful my mum is staying for another two weeks. I don’t know how I would cope if they all went back on the same day and left me alone in the house.
The house had suddenly gone a whole lot quieter without their chatter. It’s no secret I’ve been missing my family ever since I moved to Brissie but I never knew just how much until I finally saw them after months of separation. I’ve always been a very homely girl and am extremely close to my parents. It certainly hasn’t been easy being away from them. Even after a few years, I still cannot imagine spending the rest of my life without them near me.
I’ve been toying with the idea of moving back to Singapore for a couple of years. I find myself missing Singapore a whole lot more lately. I’m not sure why – I guess I’m a Singapore girl at heart and will always consider it home. It’s not an easy step though, so we’re praying for God’s guidance and intervention.