Anyhoo, I’ll spare you the lengthy details and just give you a glimpse of what happened over the last few weeks or a month and a half by the looks of things!
In a nutshell, Pen went to America for almost a month in Feb. I was moody and lonely – drowned my sorrows in books and dvds. Pen finally came back bearing loads of presents for me including a new Coach bag, Kate Spade wallet, Fossil watch, a CD, book and some magazines. I was happy again – purely because I was privileged enough to enjoy his company again of course! Actually I’m exaggerating. It was not that bad. I managed to catch up on some ‘me’ time. It’s not every day I get to read for hours on my couch/bed and drive Shadow to work.
A couple of weeks ago, Pen took me and his dad for a V Australia staff open day to tour the new long haul plane scheduled for the Sydney-LA route. See pictures below! The queue was soooo long and we waited for almost 40 minutes before setting foot onboard. I had to keep telling myself while standing in the heat that I was there to support Pen and all his hard work. Actually, you’d think this would be the perfect opportunity for a Mexican standoff between me and the plane – after all, it kept my husband away from me for months (if you add up all the long weeks he’d been away in the past two years)!

There's also a photo of me lying down in the business class seats but thought it wasn't ideal for public eyes. Haha. Looks like flying business class will soon become a reality for me. Pen said the staff rate was only $1,400 return to LA! New York, here we come!
"It could just be a matter of time before I start ‘twittering’ here instead of writing actual paragraphs."
Well, I don't see anything wrong with that... :p
Ooh, now you can live it up and travel Business! I'll tell ya, you'll never wanna go back to Economy again...
please do not start twittering only!!!! I love your entries and your photos... PLEASE!!! Keep the aussie dream alive!! (in line with your patriotic shot) haha
Haha, Ally - I knew you were gonna defend your twittering rights. ;) But it's just not as exciting you know...especially if you've got a certain someone who lives vicariously through your blog. :p
On that note...Ally...I miss reading your blog. Please STOP twittering!!! I'm sure Dia would agree.
absolutely~~ Its annoying to only read a 5 liner intead of a proper entry that gives body to the 'story'! Plus ally - i don't like it that your blog is now whiteboard confessionals cos your students read it! re-start another one!!!!!!
PS: yes, i do live unabashedly viacariously through your blog, so keep it up~ haha
I was wondering who ida was! Did you change your name (and ethnic group) Dia?
Okay, okay... I hear you ladies. Got my blog up at :)
and IDA - hahahahaha... good moniker.
who's ida? hahaha TYPO lah.. i was late for work :P
Hello babe! Thanks for the note! Miss you too! Anyho, I've added your blog to my list of reads, so update more. I update my regularly enough so you'll be able to know what I'm up to if you follow mine. How's life? Looking great!
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