Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Recession shock

Someone whispered in my ear on Friday night at Changi Airport before I left - “Remember, we live vicariously through your blog!” And I remember nodding my head in amusement. So yes, I’m keeping my promise.

Here’s a piece of news for you – I received a rude shock when I stepped into the office early on Monday morning. Apart from finding myself ‘chair-less’, I was also alarmed to find out that…(and I quote my colleague Nicole)

“Oh my gosh! When you were away, Mandy and Tracy got made redundant!”

At this point, I almost fell off my chair (after I dragged it back from Nicole’s little corner). Mandy’s in my team and she only recently joined the company a couple of months ago. She’s a really likeable girl and I’d grown to enjoy working with her. She also used to give me rides to the Homemakers’ Centre (where Pen sometimes parks Shadow) after work every now and then. On the other hand, Tracy our trusty Office Manager, had been with the company for ages. She was our administrative arm who painstakingly took care of our needs. I don’t know what they were thinking retrenching her.

Long story short, apparently the higher powers have decided to streamline all the teams and only keep the managers and ONE senior staff per team. The retrenchment was done while I was away in Singapore but I’m sure they would have planned this way before. This was when I started thanking God profusely for His blessing and protection upon me. In the midst of the current economic downturn, I should be thankful I still have a job. Although I must admit I’m still a bit nervous about the whole episode because this means extra workload for me on top of the fact that I’d have to work extra hard to ‘recession-proof’ myself.

Please pray for me!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I was keeping tabs on retrenchment news and yours came up.

I suppose one does feel sorry when one's colleagues have been relieved of their duties, but yet one cannot help but feel relief that one's job is safe, for now.

I hope you still keep your job. These are tough times.

best regards,
Sham from Singapore

huaiky said...

thanks sham. :)