I am officially “Auntie Karin”, a Sunday School teacher! Last Sunday, I taught my very first lesson to a class of Yr 2 and 3 kids and loved every single minute of it. It was technically my first teaching lesson because before that, I was just assisting Janet for the whole of February. It was a good way to start because by the time I began teaching proper, the kids were already familiar with me. The days leading up to the lesson, I was stressing about how to get their attention and how to make the bible stories come alive for my kids. I mean, it wasn’t a piece of cake trying to decipher the Transfiguration of Jesus to a bunch of 7 and 8 year-olds. Even I had to read the passage a few times to understand the purpose behind the story.
In the end, I resorted to using heaps of colourful visuals, elaborate actions (from the ahem teacher) and chocolate eggs as incentives! Not only did they participate and listen attentively, they also remembered to raise their hands before answering my questions. Ooo they were adorable.
I won’t deny that a handful of them are a bit noisy and mischievous on the outside but if you take time to explain instructions to them, you’ll discover they are really sweet and obedient on the inside. And my heart melts whenever one of the kids tugs at my sleeves if he or she is stuck on a task and says, “Auntie Karin, can you help me?”
I’m definitely looking forward to my next lesson. Although I really wouldn’t mind if they dropped the “auntie”. Aaaargh. Wonder whose brilliant idea it was to ask the kids to address the teachers as aunties. Must be the principal, who turns out to be, oh my husband.
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